Monday, November 14, 2011

Anti-Aging Research Project

Are you tired and fatigued?  Do you suffer from brain fog?  Do you feel that you are aging faster than you would like to?  Would you like to increase your vitality and energy but don’t know how to?

Thank you for your interest in participating in this research project into vitamin supplements that may help with your symptoms and may restore your youthful vitality.

This is a 3-month research project being conducted by Madelaine Cohen of Chirosports Coogee. Madelaine has a special interest in anti-ageing strategies and is currently documenting her research and writing a book on effective strategies to help people with symptoms commonly associated with accelerated ageing – fatigue, brain fog, diminished libido and lack of vitality being some of the most common symptoms. We are looking for approximately 50 participants over the age of 18 years old, both male and female. We are interested in participants from Australia, USA, UK, Asia and Europe. A good command of English is preferred but not essential.

Suitable participants will be asked to take a recently released Vitamin Supplement developed by Stamford University specifically to address the symptoms of fatigue, brain fog and vitality. Our outcome is to ascertain whether the supplement helps you to feel better. This supplement has been approved by the TGA in Australia and Health Authorities in 52 countries worldwide.

Participants will take the supplement for a 3-month period. Each will be asked to consume the manufacturers recommended daily dose. You will be asked to answer some short questions about your feelings of fatigue, mental acuity, general happiness and vitality before and during the 3-month period. This will involve simply marking a “tracker” with a score to measure how you feel each day and should take less than a minute to do.

At the end of the 3-month period you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire that will be used by Madelaine Cohen in collating information on whether you believe the supplement has assisted you or not. This will take about 10 minutes to complete. Your anonymity will be respected unless you give express permission for us to quote your feedback in Madelaine’s book.
For this project and in order to ensure you have a level of commitment we will supply the supplement to you at the wholesale price. It is our belief that by paying the wholesale price that we will have participants who are truly committed to feeling better and we will have a high level of full compliance to ensure the success of the research project. We will arrange for delivery to your home or office by courier direct from the distributor each month. The distributor is a leading company in the anti-ageing industry and is publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange.  Delivery can be made in 52 countries and by delivering it to your home or office we hope this will be convenient and will minimise disruption to your routine. Payment will be direct to the distributor by Mastercard or Visa.

If at the end of the study, you have fully completed the tracker and fully completed the course of 3-months at the recommended dose but believe it has made absolutely no difference to how you are feeling, we will, in this circumstance offer you a manufacturers refund for the 3-month supply. Alternatively, if you decide you want to continue to take the supplement, we will continue to offer it to you at the wholesale price – our way of thanking you for helping us.

Interested? Have friends who may also be interested? We realise this is not for everyone but your participation will help us make the best recommendations in our book to help many people including you to feel younger and more energised, so we look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Please email Madelaine Cohen.


What is the wholesale price?

Because this is a special offer for participants we don’t want to publish it here. Estimate less than one coffee a day. The price varies slightly depending on your country, so please contact Madelaine Cohen for information.

What if I am taking other vitamin supplements?

You can still take these as normal, however, if they are prescribed speak to your health care provider first. Since you have the symptoms of fatigue with what you are already taking, we anticipate that you will probably be able to gauge a difference when you add something else into your routine.

What if I forget to take it one day?

That’s fine – you’re human and normal which is good! You’ll just take it again the next day and mark “missed” on your tracker but will still record how you are feeling so we will know.

What if I start but then decide I want to stop before 3 months?

That’s fine and we will be understanding. What we’d like you to know is that it takes 3 months for all the red blood cells in your body to renew so the reason why we are undertaking a 3 month project is because it may take the full 3 months to realise the benefit. But if you decide to pull out we will honour your decision and cancel any future deliveries. You won’t need to give us a reason unless you choose to. Please be aware that the manufacturers refund guarantee is only available to participants who complete the 3-month course.

I’m vegan, can I participate?

The supplement is in a gelatin capsule, but the contents may be emptied into water. Otherwise suitable for vegans.

Is it suitable for children?

No. All participants must be aged 18 years and over.

What if I can’t swallow capsules?

That’s fine you can empty them into water.

What if I am taking prescribed medication?

This supplement does have some contra-indications especially with prescribed medication for diabetes and high blood pressure. People taking prescribed medication for these conditions cannot participate in this study or take this supplement, however, other prescribed medications may not preclude you. You should always consult with your health care provider before taking any vitamin supplements if you are taking prescribed medication. Please contact us for more information on the ingredients if you would like to consult with your health care provider before applying.

When can I start?

Today would be great! We are commencing on 1 November 2011 and intend to have the project completed by 1 June 2012 but hopefully sooner.

How can I find out more and apply?

Please email Madelaine Cohen

Monday, September 26, 2011

Coogee Chiropractic Care can help ADHD and Vertebral Subluxation by Michael Cohen

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) afflicts millions of children, from youngsters to teens. According to the American Psychiatric Association, three to seven percent of school-aged children have been diagnosed withADHD.1 The Center for Disease Control reports that teens are diagnosed more often than youngsters are, and boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls (13.2% and 5.5%, respectively). In the latter part of the 20th century, methylphenidate - a psycho stimulant most commonly known as Ritalin—was used to manage the symptoms of ADHD, but that treatment has come under fire forever-use. In fact, the increase in prescriptions reached such alarming rates that the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board issued warnings in 1996 and 1997, primarily in the United States, which accounts for 90 percent of Ritalin consumption. In 2006, after research revealed that Ritalin use in the UK had increased tenfold, the National Health Service began a lengthy investigation to determine if the drug was being over-prescribed. In some parts of England, Ritalin was being prescribed for as many as 14 percent of schoolchildren under the age of 15.2 Rather than mask symptoms of ADHD with medications that could potentially have negative effects on children in the end, cranial care and adjustment of vertebral subluxation have proven to deliver positive results for managing ADHD symptoms. The 22 bones that make up the head remain separate throughout a person’s life. Proper movement of these bones is critical to wellness. If the bones are out of alignment, a variety of conditions may occur, such as allergies, depression, fibromyalgia, migraines. Learning disorders, neck and jaw pain, and ADHD. Just as vertebra can fall out of alignment, cranial bones can shift, applying tension on the nervous system. By making the necessary manual adjustments, the left and right hemispheres of the brain can replaced to their correct position. When the bones are in place, the nervous system functions are often restored. A case reported in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy3 detailed how a five year-old whwas diagnosed with ADHD responded positively to chiropractic adjustment. The child had beenmedicated, unsuccessfully, for three years. According to the report, “After 27 chiropractic visits, thechild’s pediatrician stated that the child no longer exhibited symptoms of ADHD.” WWW.CHIROSPORTS.COM.AU

TEL. 02 9398 3699


© CHIROSPORTS COOGEE PTY LTD In addition to cranial care, chiropractors are experiencing success with ADHD patients by using upper cervical care to treat vertebral subluxation. When a vertebra shifts out of its normal position, the lack of alignment cases stress to the spinal framework, which creates imbalance in certain nervous system functions. Relieving the vertebral subluxation has shown to reduce ADHD symptoms. A case reported in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research4 described the treatment of a nine year-oldboy with ADHD, as well as Tourette’s Syndrome, asthma, depression, insomnia, and chronic headaches. After six weeks of chiropractic care, the child’s symptoms had disappeared. At the end of the five-month care plan, the symptoms had not resurfaced. Chiropractic treats mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. As a drug-free alternative that delivers dramatic results for a broad range of conditions, including ADHD, chiropractic should be considered as a safer, more effective option for improving and maintaining health and well-being.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Is Obesity Genetic?

It's easy to look at extra weight and chalk it up to genetics. Maybe one or both of your parents are heavy, and your siblings have followed suit. But if you think becoming or remaining overweight or obese is a foregone conclusion because of family history, think again.

While some people might appear to have ‘skinny genes', when you take a closer look, you're more likely to see a pattern of healthier living passed from generation to generation. More shared activities and a greater concern for nutrition are often the stronger link to maintaining healthy weight than any genetic patterning.

Genetics is not a direct cause of obesity, which is defined as a person with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher; overweight is considered a BMI of 25 to 29. Obesity is no longer a health problem that is confined to industrialized countries. According to the World Health Organization, obesity has more than doubled around the world since 1980. In 2008, 500 million adults worldwide fell into the obese range; 43 million children under the age of five are overweight, and 35 million of them live in developing countries.

Major risk factors associated with excess weight include a variety of chronic diseases: diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, and sleep disorders. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Maintaining an unhealthy weight - whether overweight or obese - is directly linked with 44% of the diabetes cases, 23% of the ischemic heart disease, and between 7% and 41% of certain cancer (endometrial, breast, colon).

Scientists find that cultural and environmental changes - not genes - are the major contributors to weight problems. Fast-paced lifestyles forsake nutrition for convenience, and sedentary behaviors have become prevalent as more people are glued to their chairs in front of computer and television screens or waiting in a drive-through line. And family gatherings are usually centered around eating, associating comfort with food. Since the family is the strongest influencer of lifelong habits from a very young age, unhealthy behaviors often run in families - but not in the genes. A 2010 study by The Children's Hospital at the University of San Francisco reported that a child with one obese parent is 50 percent likely to become obese; the risk increases to 80 percent when both parents are obese 1.The Pima Indians present a strong case for cultural influences on weight. Long ago, they split into two tribes - one migrating to southern Arizona and the other to northern Mexico - but were otherwise genetically one group. Cultural and economic changes pushed the Arizona Pimas away from farming in the 1970s. They adopted the diet and lifestyle of the American people. Today, the population of Pima Indians in Arizona has one of the highest incidences of obesity of any group in the world. About half of them develop type 2 diabetes by the time they are 35 years old.

Meanwhile, the Pima Indians who have been living in Mexico continue to farm, are physically active, and consume a diet that is rich in vegetables and grains. Diabetes is a rarity among this group, and they average one inch shorter and 57 pounds less than the Pimas in America. Clearly, their lifestyle, not their genes, kept their weight at a healthier level than their Arizona kin.2 A similar trend of weight gain among a population has occurred with Africans living in the United States and Asians in the UK3

The major threats to unhealthy weight are:
  • Too many non-nutritional, highly processed foods
  • "Super sizing" that adds even more empty calories and excess fat
  • Sedentary desk jobs with no activity breaks
  • Rushed schedules that don't allow for healthful meal preparation
  • Conveniences such as drive-through lines that discourage walking
  • Low priority on making time for physical activity
Weight gain occurs when a person consumes more calories (fuel) than he uses. The excess becomes fat. Losing just five to ten percent of your weight can make a big difference in reducing your health risks.
The World Health Organization states, "Changes in dietary and physical activity patterns are often the result of environmental and societal changes associated with development and lack of supportive policies in sectors such as health, agriculture, transport, urban planning, environment, food processing, distribution, marketing and education."
  • Rather than blame the family gene pool for weight gain, try changing the cycle of excess.
  • Reduce your intake of foods that are high in fats, salt, and sugar.
  • Eat more healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Get more proteins from nuts and legumes.
  • Incorporate more walking into your day by parking farther from your office and avoiding the drive-through windows.
  • Prepare healthy meals in advance so that you can eat better "on the go".
  • Then share these behaviors with your family members so you can literally reshape your future!